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Keisha Merchant

Dirty Laundry: Exposing the Truth One Panty at a Time


    (Disclaimer) Beware very thought provoking perspective and reflection.

    Andrea Smith develops an argument relating sexual violence to genocide.  Carefully explain her argument and situate it in relation to the framework of the Incite!  Anthropology.  Why/How does she link these two forms of violence?  How in her argument, is sexual violence a tool of genocide?


                In this reading, I have learned that Andrea Smith thread the web with sexual violence as a tool of genocide against women by eliminating their power and privilege to function in society as an equal component and voice to create the dual effect of mutuality and balance that takes world peace and harmony as the world need the all the sexes to balance good and evil in the justices of ethics and values.  In the world of violence the idea that sexual violence come into play by the ideas centered around historical evidence of the conquest, colonial and imperial righteousness that in some effect has caused the greatest ethical and sexual genocide of power and equality.  In my mind, Andrea has demonstrated the power structures of the foundations of education, health and politics as the missing link of the sex that women bring to the table as complex ideologies of nature and neutrality. 

    Andrea Smith, “Heteropatriarchy and the Three Pillars of White Supremacy:  Rethinking Women of Color Organizing, the four pillars of white supremacy is slavery/capitalism, orientalism/war, organizing implications, “Unfortunately, in our efforts to organize against white, Christian America, racial justice struggles often articulate an equally heteropatriarchal racial nationalism.” (pp. 73)



    Violence against the Natives, Coming to America

                In the pursuit to organizing as women of color, women have a hard time working against the “ideological framework that represents …either as passive victims who need to be saved from …men or as barbaric terrorists who…” (pp. 5)  Women are bound to the “suicide” of our lives as oppressed, devalued and dehumanized in the process of high effected disease oriented abused, battered distribution centers that create men that rule over us.  Nations against us, but in the end, it is the sons that we bare, as women the community destroys the very mother that created it.  It is within this ownership, we as women face the greatest argument what are we going to do as owners?  It is within Andrea Smith’s “Conquest, she speaks about the methodology of the colonist that found that enslaving the children of Native Americans in boarding schools were cost effective rather waging war as they grew older.  It was an educational method to kill women from teaching their men to rebel and so becoming armed weapons against the oppressive systems.  In the middle of a crisis, women were taught to self destruct from the programming that included their lives to self-deteriorate from within by allowing their men to die in the oppression, and become destructive toward them as an anger mechanism against their mothers for the sake to employ rage against their neighbors.   It is arguable that the Native American women were sexual violated to weaken their battle fields in the end, Incite Introduction.

    Violence against the Africans, Coming to Africa

                In my mind that idea of organizing against the ideology of white supremacy almost seem as the world is setting themselves against a culture.  It is going to be a future argument and critical thinking what will it takes to deal with the wrong not the man.  It is the whole concern that I have in addressing the problems of the world on men.  It is as if we are setting a new generation of hatred against a sex.  It is a concern I have that we do not reward evil with evil. “In a colonial country such as the United States, white hegemony delineates this hierarchy.  Thus, white people are the dominant group, Christianity is the dominant religion, capitalism is the dominant economy, and militarism is the dominant form of diplomacy and the force underlying international relations.” (pp. 83)  It is in my heart that we, as a woman body that we seek redemption and reparations with/or without the ideology and systems of oppression.  Though men have allocated these paradigms and become beneficiaries of these genocide practices, we still must face the dilemma of repeating history when we as women authorize ourselves into power. Haunani-Kay Trask, “The Color of Violence”

    Violence against the Jews, Coming to Bethlehem

                Dorothy Roberts, “Feminism, Race, and Adoption Policy” Feminists should be concerned about the role of race in determining which families are subject to state interventions, and consequently, which children become available for adoption   (pp. 43) It has started in the beginning of history that cultures have bought children, and in that process we must ask ourselves what is the method behind adoption and how can we be effective with adoption policies around race.  It is within slavery that adoption was not called adoption but breeding for slave work, and people bought slave children for labor.  It is not said, in the harshness of adoption for people desire children to be part of the family dynamics, but we must question the ideology around genocide and breaking cultures that could possibly play roles of power and privilege in the formulation of diplomacy and peace treaties of global/transnational’s of liberation and balance. As a critical thinker, I must ponder over the ideas that sexual violence can solidify the necessary impact as war gain and territorial rite passage of cultural integrity?  It is in my mind that our paradigms are keeping us in normalcy that our theories do not allow us to question the painstaking actions that we are involved as multi-cultural(s) and sexes that sexual violence is a rightful injustice that must not be tolerated, or invested.

    Violence against the Asians, Coming to Asia

                Loretta J. Ross, “The Color of Choice:  White supremacy and Reproductive Justice”

    Leadership within the Dominance, “Meanwhile, the Right pursued its population control policies targeting communities of color both overtly and indirectly.”    Though the Civil Rights and African American women are sometimes the most and high risk candidate for genocide, the oppression is still undercurrents with Asian women that find themselves barred down with injustices of indirect reproductive injustices.  The ideology that women are not allowed to have control and have ownership of their own bodies to make choices over sexual relationships have been a number one problem in most Asian families and around the world with women issues, it is in my mind, that women need more liberation in sexual freedom and safe birth control given men naturally regulated as a food or internal control in men enforced by law and governmental policy.


                Andrea Smith made powerful points how genocide is deemed in language for the women experience in sexual violence against their whole self.  It is within the complexities of life, we must face the threading of the webbing of life that women are entangled in the sexual violence that justice seems to look away or turn a blind eye.  It is within our life time addressing these issues and exposing these issues, we are contemplating as women, can we afford to do the same.  Someone, it must be us, women that must extend our hand to bring justice to ourselves. “Because the issue was complicated, we planned together as a group, running strategies by one another so that many perspectives and ideas cold help improve our work.” (p. 259)

                “Survival is a form of resistance, and her struggles to provide the survival of her children represent the foundations of black women’s activism.” (Collins, pp. 217)


    Extra Resources

                Nirmala Ervelles, “Disability in the New World Order”

    The Population:  The Baby Boomers Hostility

                Patricia Allard, “Crime, Punishment, and Economic Violence”

    Globalization in the Eyes of Whiteness:  The Absence of Color

                Dena Al-Adeeb, “Reflections in a Time of War: A Letter to My Sisters”

    Diversity:  To Be or Not To Be, the Assimilation of Wholeness

                Sylvanna Falcon, “National Security” and the Violation of Women: Militarized border Rape at the U.S. Mexico Border”

    The Culture in Holism of Healing and Rejection

                Renee Saucedo, “INS Raids and How Immigrant Women are Fighting Back”

    Laundry, Dirty and Soiled

                TransJustice, “Trans Day of Action for Social and Economic Justice”

    Gender, Race, Religion, Class: Freedom Reigns?

                Andrea Ritchie, “Law Enforcement Violence against Women of Color”

    Women Liberation:  “Let the Girls Go” To Do What?

                Stormy Ogden, “Pomo Women, Ex-Prisoner, Speaks Out”


                Critical Resistance and Incite, “Gender Violence and the Prison-Industrial Complex


1 comment
  • Keisha Merchant
    Keisha Merchant thank you...it is a honor and privilege to get the opportunity to write on a spiritual wall of reflection and hope...thank you again for taking the time out to respond to my written voice of thought and serenity...
    January 29, 2010