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Hector Diaz

My personal experience with the "gay marriage movement" in NY.

  • "In 1999, as I researched the marriage equality argument which was practically unknown or undiscussed at that time I encountered the site www.marriageequality.org.  I immediately believed it was an issue worth standing for and responded to the cause actively engaging in activism in my own city thru the organization I was now affiliated with. 


    As I reached out seeking simple petitions for the general public to sign, it turned out that the gay community itself put out the biggest obstacles making every valid and unvalid argument against it!  Some felt it would never happen in their lifetime.  Others stated that personally they had no interest in marriage (forget all the other people who did).  Others believe it would be possible but admitted it wouldn't be easy and therefore wanted no part in it!  It was something else to hear all the excuses coming from the affected community.  It was as if the "slave" within desired their permanent chains over complete freedom. 


    One gay man in particular stood in front of me once, arguing the issue down trying in my opinion to appear knowledgeable and "smart" and why he disagreed that it would happen in our lifetime. He tried giving me a lot of political blah blah(nicely put).  LOL.  I simply let him be and continued with the task at hand.  It was an overall hard time for me and the issue I believed in.  I didn't feel any support in any way from local politicians, peers, and even some family and friends...but I saw marriage as a reality in my mind, I could touch it it was so palpable.  I predicted it would take 10-15 yrs maximum to become a reality despite resistance, bigotry, and hate.  After a few years of work, I decided to take a backseat and in the  hope that someone who step in and complete all that was necessary in the years to come. 


    Couple years later....he volunteers and soon serves as a chair from the Western part of NY of the SAME organization that was seeking his signature for the petition years before!  After the recent victory in NY, I saw him in a clip wearing a "superman" cape-- sure he felt like a great hero but I rather give credit to all of the countless number of people who throughout the years set the stage for an unbeliever like him find a place within the organization (as chair).  Nowhere did I hear thanks to the volunteers which "first believed" setting the stage for the success and accomplishing what others wouldn't then--but in reflection--does that really matter anymore considering that Marriage Equality is now a REALITY in NY!?  It took an unbeliever to replace a vissionary but one thing is certain-- Mission was accomplished!


  • Mystic  Angel
    Mystic Angel and that is all that matters:) congratulations:)
    July 14, 2011
  • Rev. Gary Kiddney, II
    Rev. Gary Kiddney, II Great Blog Hector! Isn't it a wonderful thing to have a place of acceptance where you can speak and not be afraid of who you are? In a perfect world we will be able to be like everyone else.... even if it takes one person at a time! Positive Thoughts Brot...  more
    July 15, 2011