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Kimberly McCleod

my test.....

  • Everyday I discover just how much this life seems to be testing me. People toying with my emotions constantly testing me. If you have a problem just be real with me not play childish games like we're in elementary. This type of behavior really gets to me up under my skin and sits sour in me. Makes me want to scream at the top of my lungs and ask WHAT'S THE PROBLEM YOU HAVE WITH ME??? Wondering why you continue to test my patience try and make me forget the God in me try and make me forget the blessings I'll miss out on if I entertain this activity. Instead of playing into this test of me. I choose not to let you get the best of me. Instead I'll let you think you're winning see while I enjoy the blessings bestowed upon me.
  • radar pangaean
    radar pangaean Or perhaps the people involved are just being themselves and AREN'T actually doing what they do JUST to see how you react, they may not even be CONSIDERING you and your needs/situation/reaction in their choice of actions at all? I know that in my own life...  more
    July 18, 2011 - 1 likes this
  • Kimberly  McCleod
    Kimberly McCleod Never thought of it that way Radar....
    July 18, 2011
  • radar pangaean
    radar pangaean Just trying to share the perspective on this VERY same issue that allowed me to let go of a lot of frustration from a VERY similar viewpoint i held a few decades back. I appreciate you accepting the comment in the positive light in which it was intended.
    July 18, 2011