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Pastor Joy & Manny Maestas

Break A Sacred Trust

  • I must confess I believe I have sinned.  I did something recently that had a profound effect on how people see me.

    It was so shocking to some that they stopped talking to me, some didn’t recognize me at all, but all seemed truly surprised.  I am known as being quiet but when ask my option I am very straight forward so don’t ask if you really don’t want to hear the truth. 


    This time of year I try to be softer showing the Love of my Savior to all I meet so they will see the Christ in my Christmas.  Well now I am wondering if what I did has shaken that view of me. I heard one person say “something is going on as that is not normal for her”.  I don’t think they really know me as I never though about what is normal for me and what is not.


    Some people have just smiled, some really think I’ve gone off the deep end, but you know, I am at a point where I never realized how much we judge people by the outward appearance ever though we say we know them and act like their friend to their face.  See, I have a birthday coming up this week as a matter of fact it’s a major one. At least I consider it major.  Sixty starts a whole new decade and I can actually say I can retire in a few years.  So I had my hair dyed red, yes red.  That has been the color of choice for me over the years and it’s only been the last oh 7 years that I have not dyed it.  Letting it get the grays and white hairs that ladies my age usually have. I had one lady who used to say its so beautiful natural, well she is right but if I want to color it so be it. I am still me no matter what my hair color is.


    So now I have broken that trust as two of the ladies in my office who have the gray/white hair have not even spoken to me at all.  Can you imagine that?  Why didn’t any one tell me there is a scared trust when you get old that if you dye your hair you are an outcast and if you don’t well, you just look old and they don’t question you when you purchase your meal off the senior menu.


    Would I do it again,…. you bet and maybe next time I’ll have them put in a purple stripe so people will think I am really off my rocker!


    My Lord looks inside of me and that is what I expect other people to do and if they don’t well then expect to be surprised as I am not going down gracefully!

  • Rev. Suzanne Ranu
    Rev. Suzanne Ranu LOL This is great...... You go girl....... LOL
    July 17, 2011 - 1 likes this
  • Rev. Randy Green
    Rev. Randy Green Those Ladies that will not speak are just jealous. It must be because You do not look 60 yrs. old lol ! I would not believe it if You had not told me. God Bless You ! Keep letting Your light shine, Amen ?
    July 17, 2011 - 1 likes this
  • Mystic  Angel
    Mystic Angel The only sin you have committed was not asking them if they would like you to do their hair to:) Age is only a number, if eternal youth lives within your soul, by all means embrace it!
    July 17, 2011 - 1 likes this
  • Sandra Palmer
    Sandra Palmer You go, girl. I have beautiful white hair, and get compliments on it all the time. I enjoy not dyeing it anymore. But if I wanted to, I would. You should do what makes you feel good about yourself. When I did color mine, red was my choice, too. It's...  more
    July 17, 2011 - 1 likes this