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Minister Dr. Paris J. Evans

The Revelation 12 Woman


    Picture this woman. She was pregnant and seemingly alone and in pain as she anticipated the birth of her child. Suddenly, her worst enemy appeared. His breath was on her. He waited to devour her baby as soon as it appeared. How he hated her!!!

    He could have easily killed them both immediately. But no, he wanted her to see her child die.

    * We as women are co-creators with God; we have the ability no man can create without the being of a woman.

    * Each time we labor with child we come face to face with this enemy, his hot breath on our necks as we endure pain of childbirth just waiting for the opportunity for us to fall weak so that he can prey on us and the pureness of life about to be brought forth.

    In extreme peril, the woman delivered a baby boy. During the time of Revelation there was no epidural or local anesticia. Women bore great pain and the only medication they had was faith!

    Before the enemy could snatch the child up, the child was swept up to God. Still weak from the birth experience, the woman rose to her feet and ran. With unstable hips and wobbly feet, she ran for her life.

    * Even in the most extreme pain and unstable conditions, Gods strength and protection will pick you up, push you along and place a shield of protection all around you.

    She spoke to no one. She never pleaded with the enemy nor did she call for help.

    * When we have faith we know where our help is coming from!

    She ran, even without her baby, to the place God had prepared for her, and the devil followed.

    * God had plans for this woman!!! Some may ask, how did she know where to run to? When God is within us he speaks to our souls, we don’t have to worry or stress, He will guide us right to where we need to be.

    Michael and the angels fought the enemy, and the enemy was hurled from the heavens. Still he tried to kill the woman. But God gave the woman the wings of an eagle to speed her escape.

    * God is the provider of everything we need. A shield in the line of fire, a healer in times of sickness, a comforter in times of sorrow, a protector in times of war, a savior IN ALL TIMES.

    Then the serpent sprayed out water from his mouth, but the earth swallowed the flood, allowing the woman another escape.

    * God is the possible when things seem impossible.

    At this point, the devil, defeated and still hating the woman, dedicated his life to killing her earthbound seeds.

    * We as women produce the earthbound seeds, and the devil is angry, he wants to destroy what has been gifted to us.

    * We ask who was this woman???

    Our sons and daughters who obey Gods commandments and hold to the testimony of Jesus.

    * Who was this woman?

    We don’t know for sure of her name in the bible. But I know who this woman is;

    This was a symbolic woman, whose attributes are instructive. This was a woman who was strong, courageous - clearly a soldier. This woman had been given specific instructions. She understood what she was to do. Once on her mission, she executed it without question or circumstance and her feelings were irrelevant. Her help came from unexpected places. Her success depended on her staying in action - no matter what.

    Timing was everything!!!!

    * Who was this woman????

    * This woman is a woman of faith, her trust and assurance is dedicated to God. Her instructive attributes were not of what today’s society is trying to imitate, 5'5" thick in the thighs, colored brown eyes and not keeping your prize a surprise. This woman’s attributes reflected clearly God's intention, His vision, His clay made up model of a "Virtuous Woman".

    The Revelation 12 woman was a woman of focus.

    * Meaning this woman had a concentrated effort; her attention was focused on one particular thing. She had an area of concern, responsibility, investigation and a concentration of unified quality. Her center attention was God!

    Self-sacrifice was just the beginning of the contribution she made to life. She gave all she had;

    * Are we yet learning who this Revelation 12 woman is?

    She gave all she had; and the enemy could not stop her. The heavens and the earth moved on her behalf. She knew her help was in God, and His plans were fulfilled.

    If your still asking who this woman was let me break this down to you.

    This woman is YOU!!