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Rev. Adelohosgi (Jimmy) Hubbard

Vibrations And The Duality Of Life

  • As vibrations move, they grow. Thru growth comes positive: balance, beauty, love, light, breath, and knowledge, but yet comes the duality of human life, negative: unbalance, ugliness, hate, darkness, death, and stupidity.

    Duality: n.The quality or character of being twofold; dichotomy.

    Vibrations: n. A supernatural emanation, bearing good or ill, that is sensed by or revealed to those attuned to the occult.

    When we look at this duality of life we must understand balance and learn our place, “living light, living right.” Learn to cope with negative vibrations. Although bad, sometimes they must be learned in order for us to cope with them, which in turn brings hope, light and all the positives of happy life. The only true way to break free is when your ready. Once done your path is made, just become a magnet and go only to where you are drawn or end up. There you'll be right were you ought to. It took me awhile to find this out, but now I must confess “it” has truly helped me. Maybe this won't work for you, but as an abused, neglected, rejected child I learned quick the duality of life and the hardship that has taught me to forgive, be at peace and get rid of anger for those that have hurt me and others.

    Here we are, less than 2 years before 2012. Many say believe in the “change” but yet have not given up their mainstream lives, still at this very minute thousands of people are running around doing fruitless things, watching the murder box (television), listening to music that has no true vibration. I find it funny, honestly, that a person would buy 2012 “things” and go on with a unbalanced, working for the man, going to these fake schooling systems.

    Yet still they don't understand because they are to busy to look. Our society has made most of us zombies, sheep, and cattle easily brainwashed and pacified with all the “non-useful” use of technology, fast-food, name brand junk, and horrifyingly grown veggies and fruits with junk in them, and tainted meat all to keep us sleepy and out of “their” way. Like over-grown children we play make believe everyday when we work a “fruitless” job, or when we learn “fruitless” things. College won't teach us how to deal with what is at hand. The only true way through it is sharing of the knowledge and living with the land, getting out of houses, urban cities, and into the wilderness, back to our “true selves” back to the tribe life and ways. We have little time. If I were you I'd start learning how to truly live off the land, know where to find fresh water, how to fish, hunt, plant, grow, build/find shelter, heal yourself and others with plants/herbs.

    This is not a rant of fear, I know my place and I'm and peace with change and embrace it with love and understanding and help from all other like minded people of the light. I hope all who read these words find them useful and that they let you know that your not alone. I too “feel and see.” Love to all things and to our future what ever that may be.


    Love, Light, Respect,

    I Spiritual Warrior

    Rev. Jimmy (James) Hubbard

  • Rev. Adelohosgi (Jimmy) Hubbard
    Rev. Adelohosgi (Jimmy) Hubbard thank you for your pure thanks i has been along hard road with this one but have stepped up to every minute of it love you and blessings
    July 24, 2011
  • Reverend Edward Lister
    Reverend Edward Lister All of the Universe is based on matter and energy, both of which occur as the result of varying rates of Vibration.
    July 24, 2011