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Rev. Rolando Gomez Comon OPCP

Satan role in creation

  • First of all i want to clear up that i am not a Satanist. I am Pan Pagan Spiritual Universalist believing in One God that has many manifestation. What im about to write here is my point of view with regards to the existence of man, satan and the fallen angels. I believe in the power of God who create everything in the Universe. From living to nonliving; to the seen and unseen. The Supreme Divine Creator divide the Universe into different plane of existence such as the Upper / Sky world, Middle World, and the Underworld. These are not absolute for there are many other studies that is teaching about the planes or dimensions of existence and for this article im going to write i just limit it to three dimensions. Most religions of the world believe in the existence of heaven ( the upper/ sky world) and hell ( which is the underworld) and earth being our home is the middle world. Each of these plane of existence that the Supreme Divine Creator create assigned a caretaker for each plane. God create first the heaven which will house the luminous light beings; then the Underworld that will become the strong foundation of the middle world and will house for the beings who will support mankinds life existence; and then the Middle World which is our home together with all living creatures. The first creature that the Supreme Divine Master created are the beings of Light from which Lucifer or Satan becomes the very first of the created light beings. At first as a light being, he was not given freewill like any other lightbeings or angels but only to do what was assigned to him to do which is to bring forth light. Then after completing the upperworld, the Supreme Divine Creator created next the foundation of the Middle World which is the underworld. Since Lucifer being the first creature of life and the first one who become mature from all the light beings, God assigned him to become the ruler of the underworld and to become the light within the dark underworld. Lucifer who was later known as Satan becomes responsible to the gravitational pull of the middle world or earth. He is also responsible for growth and regeneration of plants and transformation of all beings. Upto now in this present generation, Satan exist and still doing his job in fulfilling the Universal law. Middle World is the home of all mankind and living creatures. Being a creature of the middle world, we are supported by the creatures of the Underworld. We live our life with the help of the beings of the Underworld when we plant seeds we dig soil from the underworld. We cast our nets to the bottom of the sea to catch fish. And even babies that are born comes out from the mothers womb which is also part of the underworld.