Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Kimberly S Lewis


  • It is common when getting in an argument with someone to walk away, we think that is better to cool down and come back when we are composed.  But, this is not what Yeshua (Jesus) suggested.  He left us many clues on the matter, lets look at these clues in detail.


    1.  Matthew 5: 31  "It was said, "Whoever divorces his wife must give her a get (divorce)." But, I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except on the ground of fornication, makes her (/him) an adulter(er)ess; and that anyone who marries a divorcee commits adultery. 


    Now, why does Yeshua say this:  let's go back in time, shall we? 


    B'resheet (Genesis) 2:21  Then G-d caused a deep sleep to fall upon the person; and while he was sleeping, he took one of his ribs and closed up the place from which he took it with flesh.  The rib which Adonai, G-d had taken from the person, he made a woman-person; and he brought her to the man-person.  The man-person said, "At last!  This is bone from my bones and flesh from my flesh.  She is to be called Woman because she was taken out of Man.  This is why a man is to leave his father and mother and sick with his wife, and they are to be one flesh.


    Lets, look go forward in time to see what Yeshua says about the body.


    Matthew 26:26  While they were eating, Yeshua took a piece of matzah (unleavened bread), made the b'rakhah (blessing), broke it, gave it to the talmidim (apostles) and said, "Take! Eat! This is my body!  Also, he took a cup of wine, made the b'rakhah (blessing), and gave it to them, saying.  "All of you, drink from it!" For this is my blood, which ratifies the New Covenant, my blood shed on behalf of many, so that they may have their sins forgiven.  I tell you I will not drink this 'fruit from the vine' again until the day I drink new wine with you in my Father's Kingdom".


    Now, from these comparisons alone we can tell that Yeshua, for His Father sake, made us Flesh of His Flesh, Blood of His blood; just like G-d had made Eve unto Adam.   Because, G-d so Loved the World that He gave His only Begotten Son then we should understand that the bond He creates is sacred and should be honored.  Between Him and between each other and we are to be one flesh.


    Yeshua goes onto say in greater detail in Matthew 5:22 


    But I tell you that anyone who nurses anger against his brother will be subject to judgment; that whoever call his brother, "You good-for-nothing!" will be brought before the Sanhedrin; that whoever says, "Fool!" incurs the penalty of burning in the fire of Gei-Hinnom (Hell)!  So if you are offering your gift at the Temple altar and you remember there that your brother has something against you, leave your gift where it is by the altar, and go, make peace with your brother.  Then come back and offer your gift.  If someone sues you, come to terms with him quickly, while you and he are on the way to court; or he may hand you over to the judge, and he judge to the officer of the court, and you may be thrown into jail!  Yes indeed!  I tell you, you will certainly not get out until you have paid he last penny.


    Now, we all remember what happened to Joseph and his brothers; because of their jealousy of their brother, not only did they throw their brother into a pit, but sold him to slavery.  Remember, the adage 'an eye for eye, and a tooth for a tooth?" Those same brothers bowed before Joseph, and he ensured that they we fed and clothed, and could have their homes in Goshen.  But, later as G-d had forsaw and shown to Avraham (B'resheet 15:12-15 - As the sun was about to set, a deep sleep fell on Avram; horror and great darkness came over him.  Adonai said to Avram, "Know this for certain:  your descendants will be foreigners in a land that is not theirs.  They will be slaves and held in oppression here four hundered years.  But I will also judge that nation, the one that makes them slaves.  Afterwards, they will leave with many possessions.) they would sell themselves into slavery and would endure times of great darkness and pain.  We are not prophets like G-d or Yeshua, and we cannot predict our future, but if we our righteous and follow His Commandments then will we not only endure, but we will be blessed.


    Yeshua, also stated in Matthew 6:14  For if you forgive others their offenses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you; but if you do not forgive others their offenses, your heavenly Father will not forgive yours and not to Judge, so that you won't be judged.  For the way you judge others is how you will be judged - the measure with which you measure out will be used to measure you.  Why do you see the splinter in your brother's eye but not notice the log in your own eye?  You hypocrite!  First, take the log out of your own eye; then you will see clearly, so that you can remove the splinter from your brother's eye!


    People get in arguments everyday, the go to work they feel resentful, bitter or jealous, they are driving and someone is annoying them so they start saying violent words to the other drives, or trying to make them feel inadequate.  There are so many things that people say to each other throughout the day, brother to sister, husband to wife, stranger to neighbor - the point is Love thy neighbor, be humble, everyone makes mistakes.  If you feel that there is something wrong or that you are the one doing all the work in the relationship, or that you aren't getting the respect you deserve; then ask yourself how is being spiteful, mean spirited, hard-hearted, violent, or emotionally or verbally abusive going to make that any better.  G-d doesn't ask that you maintain anyone, just yourself.  if you have a problem communicate; quietly, humbly, empathetically with love to whoever you are cross with.  Yes, you might even have to be aggressive to simply state you opinon, and say No!  Like Yeshua (Jesus) when he flipped over the table and said to the money changers, "How dare you turn my Father's house into a market John" 2:16.   But, don't be abusive about it and try to listen to each other, because it maybe that you could be in the Tower of Bave, trying to make 'a name for yourself' and worried about your security and whether you will be 'scattered from your job,home, family and friends, and your language might become confused, (Genesis 11:4) if you think that you have power over another, then you are wrong, because the only one that has power over anyone is G-d Almighty and He gives all His creations Free Will and He never Sins against them and He never lies to them.  So neither should you!