Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Patriarch/Archbishop Daniel Fashingbauer

International Day of Prayer for the Youth


    I follow the news on about twenty TV news sites and just about as many national and international news papers a day. Most of the news sites are set to alert when breaking news occurs. There isn't a day goes by that somewhere in this world that God created for us that there isn't a news item about something happening to a youth. It will either be about a youth commiting suicide, shooting his parents or even his whole family or some other group of people.


    Then you get all the agencies and professionals stating that all the malodies of our society are growing at 100, 200 and in some cases 300 precent in teens. These things all tell me and should every body that our teen population is in serious problems and need our help. It's time now to suffer the teen population of the world up to the Lord. He is the only one who can truly help them in this dilema.


    In the nineties the Unification Church held two confrences, each being a week long. They where so committed the paid transportation and lodging cost of the large majority of the attendies. Sitting at my table for meals was the Primate of the Greek Orthodox Church in America and the Great Grandfather of Geronimo. Amongs the rest of the attendies where church leaders from around the world. Amongst these were church leaders from Iran, Irag, Cuba and China all of whom had to get permission from perspective governments. These permissions where granted because even the worlds politcal leaders realized there was a major problem arising.


    It is for this reason that I'm schedualing this day for Sunday August 28 and to be reacurring every year on the last Sunday of August. I've picked this Sunday because it's the last Sunday before all schools will be going back & school life has a tendancy to bring out a lot of these problems into the open.


    Please tell everyone about this event friends, relatives, ministers & Pastors. Have the clergy announce in there services. Lets get as many possible praying for our precious Teen Agers.




    Bishop Daniel Fashingbauer

    Universal independent Catholic Church World Headquarters

    President Bishop 1st Provintial


    I follow the news on about twenty TV news sites and just about as many national and international news papers a day. Most of the news sites are set to alert when breaking news occurs. There isn't a day goes by that somewhere in this world that God created for us that there isn't a news item about something happening to a youth. It will either be about a youth commiting suicide, shooting his parents or even his whole family or some other group of people.


    Then you get all the agencies and professionals stating that all the malodies of our society are growing at 100, 200 and in some cases 300 precent in teens. These things all tell me and should every body that our teen population is in serious problems and need our help. It's time now to suffer the teen population of the world up to the Lord. He is the only one who can truly help them in this dilema.


    In the nineties the Unification Church held two confrences, each being a week long. They where so committed the paid transportation and lodging cost of the large majority of the attendies. Sitting at my table for meals was the Primate of the Greek Orthodox Church in America and the Great Grandfather of Geronimo. Amongs the rest of the attendies where church leaders from around the world. Amongst these were church leaders from Iran, Irag, Cuba and China all of whom had to get permission from perspective governments. These permissions where granted because even the worlds politcal leaders realized there was a major problem arising.


    It is for this reason that I'm schedualing this day for Sunday August 28 and to be reacurring every year on the last Sunday of August. I've picked this Sunday because it's the last Sunday before all schools will be going back & school life has a tendancy to bring out a lot of these problems into the open.


    Please tell everyone about this event friends, relatives, ministers & Pastors. Have the clergy announce in there services. Lets get as many possible praying for our precious Teen Agers.




    Bishop Daniel Fashingbauer

    Universal independent Catholic Church World Headquarters

    President Bishop 1st Provincial