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Patriarch/Archbishop Daniel Fashingbauer

Are you beat up or upbeat

  • What a question, huh? I can tell you I hold a very stressful job. There are many days, I weep with my office door shut and wonder why I am in that position. Hold on a minute! I have to be thankful for what He has given me. God does not make our lives easy or drama free. However, he promises us He is ALWAYS with us. I can make a list for you of things that have happened to me in the last year, but they are probably similar to your story. The conclusion is we choose to be on the side of “Beat Up” or “Upbeat”. Is it easy? You know the answer for that question. However, I always have to remind myself there is a purpose in it all. Take the gift of his stored Grace for us. Know it is there for us. In the worst scenario you can think of, you will prevail through Him. I choose to not be “beaten up”. I fall short and some days I get angry, but at the end of the day or even moments later, I realize He is always in control. This is a very short blog, but one I have in my heart today. Maybe because it is today’s current struggle and I wanted to share. Nonetheless, maybe it will touch one person and that makes it worth my while. The final conclusion is the devil will beat you or our Lord keeps us upbeat!
    God Bless

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