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Alfredo Josef Honegger Rev. DD PhD

The SOURCE of my prosperity is GOD

  • When I started to meditate daily, I became able to communicate with my HIGHER SELF, or GOD within me. I learned again to listen and to follow my intuition. This is the WAY, which can also be called life or love, the Will of God or the Holy Spirit. It doesn’t matter what we call it, what matters is that we recognize it and learn to honor it.

    When we call it “LOVE,” so we know how it feels when we are in harmony with it. When we call it “GOD,” it helps to appreciate the grandeur and authority over all of our lives. When we call it “SPIRIT,” it helps recognize our being and constitute every living thing’s essence. When we call it “SOUL,” we realize that, by some miracle, we are a unique aspect, and we have the opportunity to develop our little part of the cosmos towards higher and higher expressions of being alive. So remember, that when LOVE is released into the world, is like an intelligent energy that continues on and on shaping the world in its own image.

    In this state of SOUL, you have a “MYSTICAL MAGIC” in the inner presence of GOD working for your prosperity each and every day. So that the most important task is to MEDITATE daily. To do this Go deep into your mind to its center, where the Presence of GOD exists. In this way, you will keep an inner mental channel of intuition and inspiration open, guiding you to claim the prosperity that is already yours – through your Source. Remember, “GOD helps those who help themselves,” this is a very true statement, which I experience every day!

    So in this sense, I give you an affirmation, which you can suggest you many times a day, and you will see what will happen. “I live confidentially each day, knowing that the SOURCE of my prosperity is GOD working through me and directing me. For this, I give THANKS that it is so, and SO IT IS!”