Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

David Horsman, Master of Divinity (U of Winnipeg)


  • As 2012 approaches, the cleft between right wing economic and religious extremism is on the rise in the USA & Canada. We, as people who promote tolerance & understanding, must reach out to all we know and tell them that social justice, human compassion and social justice are not the enemy to our way of life but rather intolerance, bigotry and greed at the expense of the poor and defenseless is unconsienciable to all to seek to better humanity. Support Barack Obama and join his quest to make things better for all Americans and help fight the religious bigotry of the Conservative Party in Canada.

  • Ricky Clay
    Ricky Clay while not the only one, Obama is one of the main reasons there are so many problems with this country. China now owns so much of our debt that the interest is equal to their entire military budget. Let me say it again, we're literally paying for China's m...  more
    August 25, 2011
  • Ricky Clay
    Ricky Clay (Cont) changes the way Washington thinks and behaves. The old beltway gang must go. There must be so few of them left that their bad habits will not infect the new guys who honestly believe in the idealism that launched this nation.
    That's what it's goin...  more
    August 25, 2011
  • Ricky Clay
    Ricky Clay (Cont) we just need to unite them. We have democrats in this country who are just as frustrated and disappointed as republicans. The latest poll showed less than 8% of us think Congress is doing a good job. There's your mandate to cast a vote that will th...  more
    August 25, 2011
  • David Horsman, Master of Divinity (U of Winnipeg)
    David Horsman, Master of Divinity (U of Winnipeg) Do you blame the President for that...? Is that not more the fault of Congress as you have stated ?
    August 25, 2011