Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Sojourner Robert Hess

So, Who isthis guy?

  • Well I promised this some time ago and have finally become inspired enough to attept to write it.


    Why Don't I have "Rev." in frount of my name here:

    Titles to me, are earned, not self imposed. I hold no disrespect for those here who have such titles placed on their forum names, I simply choose not to do this myself. If you choose to address me by a title you do me great honor and I thank you for that. If you choose not to I take no offence in it.


    What do I 'believe' :

    That's a tricky one, as I am allways seeking to learn more about the universe in which we live and by that the "Existant One" my personal beliefes are ever growing. so here is my "Creed" so far as it were:


    There is reason to our Existance, that reason is The Creator.

    What you call The Creator is unimportant, infact a number of names The Creator has givin for Itself (He is only used by convention, we're talking about something for which Gender is really unimportant) is a statement of existance "I Am" (this can also be translated as "I was, am, and shall be" suggesting that Time , like Gender is also unimportant from The Creators point of view.)


    The Creator Cares.

    Show me an artist who tosses thier work aside with no reguard and I will show you a lier. The Creator, through various religions and events has attempted to show It's love for the creation, us.


    Jesus of Nazareth was and is the Avatar of The Creator.

    His sacrifice, and resserection, was symbolic as well as literal. An expression of the Love of The Creator for the Creation. This Love is universal and does not depend on saying any special words or giving money to any particular orgainisation. The word Gospel neams 'Good news' and that is what it is, news. It is not a mandate to dress a certain way or speak a certain way, it is simply news that you are Loved.


    Jesus of  Nazareth is a GREAT example, which should be emulated.

    This man lost his temper all of TWICE according the the record we have and in both instances grave injustices were in context. He spoke of Love, kindness, forgiveness and charity. He insulted no one nore did he once speak of hate for any person or group. Role model? Definatly!


    Understanding the Universe, be it via Science or Magick, is not a crime (and it is quite arguable that Magick IS a kind of Science.)

    We are born curious about the world around us. That curiosity cannot possibly be 'Bad' (provided of course we not hurt others while seeking to satify it.


    Addendum: About "Hell".


    I personally do not believe in Hell as has been classically portaied by the Church (note big C meaning the political organisation.) That view, with fire, brinstone and daemons overseeing the torture of 'sinners' is not the vision Jesus of Nazareth spoke of. His "hell' was one of separation from God, by the choice of the 'sinner', where there was 'weeping and gnashing of teath'. The vision we are most familiar with came out of the writings of the Church a good thousand years later in the Dark ages, where it was used as a threatining "do as we say or else" thing... in my view this was a massive mistake.


    These are my Beliefs, they needn't be the same as yours. If anyone here has questions please feel free to ask, ether in comment or , where needed, private message.

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