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Sojourner Robert Hess

False religion

  • I ran across a term today I hadn't heard since Carmen was preforming in the 90s

    "False Religion"


    What is False Religion?

    Seems everyone has their own view in this, usually consisting of "A religion that isn't MINE".


    I cannot agree with that assessment, personally I feel that All religions have something to add, some wisdom to share or perspective to consider. The 'Truth' comes somewhere in that mix.


    Surely the Creator did not speak solely to one group in the world, that would be a rediculas notion indeed especially if said Creator cares for ALL (a basic tenant of most world religions today).


    If there can be said to be a "False Religion" than for me it would have to be one that was wholly and completely artificial and devoid of any 'natural faith' , I can think of only 2 or perhaps 3 that fit that description and most of those make no bones about being a mock religion.


    Now some will argue that Religions are ALL 'False', but there is a difference between being wholly artificial in nature, and having arisen form the basic question of "why". Hard science is very very good at answering "How", but there will.. in my estimation at least, always be a need for religion and/or philosophy for "Why".


    The point here? When you learn or have the opportunity to learn the teachings of another faith, never discard it out of hand... you might lose the chance to grow somewhere.