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Sojourner Robert Hess

"Jesus, is the reason for the season"... or is He?

  • No.... He really isn't.


    The season and many of the trappings and traditions around winter solstice predate Christ by centuries at least. Agricultural based faiths (referred to as pagan, meaning 'common' by early Christianity) chose to celebrate this time because of climactic seasonal changes. Literally it marks a point of being "Halfway out of the dark" (in the norther hemisphere at least) as days start to become longer again in terms of daylight hours.


    Pope Julius I, for largely political reasons and the fact that the actual date was lost by 350 A.D., Chose December 25'th to 'observe' and commemorate the Savior's birth.


    Now having said that, does it make celebration of Christ birth on the 25th invalid?


    Not in my eyes, it's still an important event in the Christian faith and whether Observed on the 25th of December or September 23rd remembrance of that baby laid in a manger is important.


    Let's just not be so proud as to claim Santa Claus, "Christmas" Trees, Eggnog, Gift exchange, Yule logs, Caroling, etc etc were Christian inventions. ok?

  • Sandra Palmer
    Sandra Palmer My family are all Christians, too, except my niece who has confided in me that she and her husband are atheists. She was trying to get me to go back for a visit and I said that I really didn't need the idiotic crap I got from my sister (my niece's mother...  more
    November 28, 2012
  • Sojourner Robert Hess
    Sojourner Robert Hess "God won't let..." wow.. that's not even Biblical!? Yeah I can understand how that might drive Lee up a wall.
    November 28, 2012
  • Sojourner Robert Hess
    Sojourner Robert Hess forgive the rabbit trail but.. wow... there is Zero biblical support for God having _ever_ prevented humans from being stupid enough to destroy themselves.... quite the opposite in fact.. so just.. wow.
    November 28, 2012
  • Sandra Palmer
    Sandra Palmer Yep. That was part of a conversation and I nearly put my fingernails through Lee's wrist under the table trying to get him to shut up. You can't talk to people like that. You try to change the conversation to something that isn't going to cause blood p...  more
    November 28, 2012