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Stanley Sigstad

Reality, what is it.

  • So many people wonder what's real and what is imaginary. This morning I tried without success to explain to my girlfriend the concept of how we create our own reality. Her world is very negative, has a black dark cloud over it with booming thunder and flashing lightning. She sees her future as dark and dismal getting worse by the hour. Throughout her day she notices every bad thing that happens then dwells on it. I explained to her the concept of like attracts like. The type of energy you put out will attract similar energies which will return to you, like a magnet. When I told her that we create our own reality she said she can't live in a fantasy world where everything is perfect. I told her to be happy with what she has not complain about what she does not have. She has a house, paid for which has everything one could want in life and a storage shed out back filled with her treasures. Her 2000 VW Beetle is paid for. She has a good paying job. What else could one want. With all these things she is so miserable, unable to see any happiness life can give. I own a car, that's it. Yet I am really happy with what I do have. I have a low paying job working about 9 hours a week but I'm happy with it. 


    When taking a couple psychology classes in college years ago is when I came to the realization of what reality is. My teacher spoke about two basic groups of people; the negative group who complains about everything and the positive group who talks about everything good that happens to them. In the negative group you might hear conversations such as: Oh I got a flat tire this morning, was late to class, got a D on my test, my employer cut my hours and so on. They notice only the bad that happens in their day. In the positive group you might hear the speaking: I got a flat tire today but some kind soul stopped to help me and even though I was late to class my teacher will let me make up the work and even though I got a D on the test the teacher will allow me to do extra credit work to bring up my grade to a C or B. The weather is really great today with sun shining, birds floating on a gentle breeze. It's great to be alive. 


    Now, take a negative person, put them in the positive group and take a positive person and put them in the negative group. The negative person in the positive group will accuse them of being stuck up, holier than thou, head in the clouds, not being realistic, snobs and so forth. The positive person in the negative group might see them as losers, evil or constant complainers, stuck in a rut and so forth. 


    The old addage Birds of a feather flock together rings true here. I might not be exactly right on the money with this blog but it's how I see life. In my day I do have bad things that happen which I acknowledge but focus on all the good I can find in each day so that at the end of the day I look back at all the great things that have happened. I have a car and job but some others don't even have that. I have a healthy body but some people are sick or missing limbs. I'm happy with who I am and work to improve myself but do not kick myself for not being perfect nor would I want to be, too boring. No one is perfect but what do you consider perfect. I won't belabour the point but take this one thing into consideration if not the rest of the message: COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS

  • Stanley Sigstad
    Stanley Sigstad I'm trying to sell my jeep and use the money to buy a motorhome so I can live in peace away from my girlfriend. I lived in one for five years until it broke down but while in it life was really wonderful. I travelled to many places, met new people and mad...  more
    February 2, 2012 - 3 like this
  • Rev. Suzanne Ranu
    Rev. Suzanne Ranu You are so right Pastor Stanley, and this blog is exactly how I feel. Always better to be positive rather than be negative...
    February 2, 2012 - 1 likes this