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Rev. Vivian Mary Graciolett

About Jesus and truth regarding the Bible.

  • Jesus did not start a religion, man did that. Christianity comes from the word Christian, which was what those who were of "The Way" were called first at Antioch. The original meaning of the word Christian means "The Way"

    Emperor Constantine created the first “organized” Christian religion, The word Catholic means - all in one - not talking about Roman Catholic, but at that time the word Catholic meant "All In One" Constantine legalized Christianity in the early 4th century. You might study the The Nicene Council. There was no organized Church rule of Christianity before Constantine. Under Constantine in 312 AD, Christianity was adopted by Rome. The Catholic Church created this religion to keep people apart.

    Religion was created for many reasons to keep people in their place, to have a place to be, to be kept within so not to run a mock. To have order and control. What Jesus was teaching was LOVE what life really was about, the way, to follow Christ and God
    meaning to be like him. (Love) to love your fellow man.


    The catholic church is responsible for changing things in the Christian bible with a lot of fear stories. To keep people scared, to fear God, this is not God's idea nor his plan, It never was to instill fear in his children. Some scriptures and verses were taken out and some where added in by the Catholic Church for their own glory. Anything that does not sound right, does not feel right is not right in the bible. Anything that is opposite of good is not from Jesus or God in the bible.

    So since many things were left out of the bible and also changed by the Catholic Church. For instance:

    How the bible was found:

    The bible was first put together from scrolls that were found in 9-12 caves on copper sheets with hammered Greek letterings, also scrolls were written on a kind of leather and papyrus which is a reed plant native to Egypt. In 1952 the copper scroll was found in the Israel cave. Much of these writings were found, many scriptures were incomplete. Missing parts and ending parts were gone due to weather damage and floods. So the Catholic Church added what they thought would have completed sentences and they added the end parts as well of their own versions. They put much into the bible in what they wanted people to believe.

    Also Jesus never spoke English his native language was Aramaic, which was later translated into other languages like Hebrew, Greek and English. Many words back then were not translated properly due to not fully understanding the meanings of words.

    His name in his language (Aramaic) was Yeshua at that time. The name Yeshua is extensively used by followers of Judaism. They could have left it this way for us to continue calling him Yeshua, but they changed it to Jesus, (English version) just like Michael in English is Miguel in Spanish. This is just to know what his name was in Hebrew. Today Yeshua is still used by Hebrew speaking Christians in Israel.

    The Catholic originally created Christianity, not Jesus. Jesus was not a religious man, he was a prophet to lead people to understand about heaven and to love mankind completely. Society itself created hell and religion to give people a false sense of security.

    The Illuminati did not create religion neither as some believe, they've only been around since 1776, whereas religion has existed since the dawn of mankind. Religion had been around a lot longer then the Illuminati and governments. In fact, many governments derived off of ancient religions. The ancient priests often used religion as a method of control over the mass population. This is one of the reason's` Jesus spread so much controversy, because the pharisees and sadducees had pretty much monopolized people's beliefs.

    Christianity is one religion that the government of Rome did create. Oh, Jesus was a real person that walked on this Earth, but they used his death to spawn the Christian religion. Many of Christianity's holidays, ceremonies and symbols derive off of far older religions, but people don't know this due to lack of study in all the right places
    and they kept this information out from churches. While Christianity was on the rise to becoming an official religion, Emperor Constantine, at the Council of Nicaea took a diplomatic approach to it and placed Jesus' birthday on the same day as Horus (Egyptian) and Mithra (Persian) December 25. Easter was practically named after the Akkadian goddess Ishtar, who was symbolized with an Egg or a rabbit because she was the fertility goddess. Spring in the season of fertilization, because other myths depict the moon as an egg, they celebrate Easter every year on the Sunday after the first full moon proceeding the Spring Equinox.

    This is why man fell to third dimension, because of lies, hate, control, and fear
    made humanity collapse to a very low dense third world vibration. Man 13,000 years ago fell into 3rd dimension, so this is where illness's and diseases come from..from negative and controlling selfish greedy thinking. At one time we had none of these things, until thinking changed.

    Read with your heart and mind, do not believe what you are told, think for yourself
    and ask God to guide you for your answers, not what people tells you.
    We all have free will. We all are the image of God. There is no need to fear God.
    God is pure love, there is no hell as people think, at least not the way one thinks with brimstone and constant fire burning one.

    It doesn't matter if you are a rapist, killer, gay..one can ask for forgiveness when they pass and even ask for forgiveness after they leave the body. If a person does not want God to forgive them, they will not go to the light. They end up in a black void hole like of coldness, darkness, emptiness until they decide to change their way of thinking. This is what hell is. It is not an actually location like what churches teach with fire and nashing of teeth.

    We all have lived many times, and for each time we come back, we choose our parents, we choose our gender, we have to take both male and female. Why? because we all have to be both in order to know what it is like to be both to understand what it is like. We are in school all the time..We all have to know what it feel like to be both, so this is why when two people from the same gender like each other, it isn't that they are looking at the bodies, they are attracted to each other for what is inside, their heart and spirit.

    They are recognizing themselves in others, and fall in love. They are connecting to spirit, not the physical form. But people don't understand this. And it is our choice. Free will in how we choose to live. Never the less we can ask for forgiveness in the very end of our cycle. Should one doesn't make things right in a life time, then they repeat it all over again until one does get it right. It is about evolving to a better way of life and living.

    This is my beliefs that is combined with much thinking, soul searching, reading, studying, praying..and most of all my own realizations, cognition's and premonitions.
    I am intuitive, I am an empath, and when I have thought something, felt something, dreamed something, it always come true. So I do trust what I have written.

    As I always end my letters with.. what is true for you......is true for you.
    At the end.....you are the one who needs to decide.

    Much love and respect.


    2nd Part:


    We as humans have evolved more than once. They say we were made by God, but we also came from the stars from another time,  then again breeded by other races not from this world. (True).  Annunaki's.
    In the 7th century Iraq, Sanskrit texts describe how an extraterrestrial race called Anunnaki, created the human race. In Sumerian scripts Anunnaki means those from the heavens came.
    There are descriptions in the Sumerian scripts of Annunaki arriving in spacecraft from the skies complete with boots, helmets, jackets and watches, described as floating above regular people.
    These were space travelers who visited earth in the ancient past. Similar experiences can be experienced with the Greek, Romans and Phoenician gods. Some say these were also extraterrestrial contact.

    Most cultures believe in powerful gods who lived in the heavens and came down to interact with humans. Zeus was said to arrive at Mount Olympia, to bring knowledge, technology, culture and civilization to earth.
    However, these gods “Extraterrestrials” also have many human qualities also. They were attracted to human women; they wanted to have children with as many of them as possible.
    There are many accounts of gods “Extraterrestrials” coming to earth mating with human women and having offspring of demi-gods, the giants of the Old Testament, Goliath, Hercules and Troy are examples of these giant demi gods.
    These demi-gods were gifted in many ways, they were handsome beautiful and smart; they were creating more perfect or advanced offspring through (DNA) genetic engineering.
    All of the array of Greek gods throughout Greek mythology were misinterpreted flesh and blood extraterrestrials and confused with divine creatures by our ancestors.
    Belief in extraterrestrials coming to earth and interacting with humans, these supernatural beings, called fallen angels in the bible, are a cornerstone of many ancient religions.
    In Genesis God created the first humans Adam and Eve. The bible also describes other world beings. It is reported in genesis that “fallen angels” or extraterrestrials came to earth and mated with human women and this produced the giants of the Old Testament.
    I personally believe that we were created a few times, that man fell and had to start over again.
    Some say there is one God directing mankind's destiny and others say there are many gods or extraterrestrials are involved. In the Old Testament it clearly states that “God made man in our own image, according to our likeness.” Grammatically speaking this statement doesn't make sense.
    In the Hebrew bible which is also accepted by Christians and the Koran, God is plural. By “our” and then you have God then you have “own image”.
    Perhaps by our they meant the trinity.Holy Trinity. Perhaps if you were to change God to “God’s” then the sentence makes sense. God’s created man in our own image.

    In Genesis 1:26 God said: Let US make man in OUR image according to OUR likeness. Think about "US"  and "OUR" who was God talking about beside himself?

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