Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Priest Cliff Northup Jr


  • While sitting and reflecting, I thought of some pretty rediculose things in life today. Some of them are as follows.Two people in the same house have cell phones, they call each other while in the house together.Two people have a cell phone and sit next to each other on the couch or in seperate rooms and text each other. Without verbal communication, how can there be a relationship? We hear about "world peace". how can there be world peace when a super power country tries to run everyone else? How can we expect to stop terrorism and bombings in our country when we are doing the same thing in other countries, however, covered in a guise of military action for the best of all nations? How can we expect to end hunger and homlessness in this country when we ar to busy helping other starving and homeless people in other countries...and after all we do, they are still starving and homeless. Where does the funding and aide realy go? Interesting when you think about it and read abouit all the tons of food, clothing, and billions of dollars suposidly being funneled into these poor countries. How can we expect to commune with nature when we are "hell bent" on destroying it? How can we expect the Earth Mother to give back to us when all we do is take from Her? How can different religious groups co-exist when each dogma has such exteme differances and teach that thiers is the only "true" religion. How can they respect each other and the teachings when some can not accept that the concepts are the same, but you MUST do things this way or you will be forever damned.

    These are but a few, from suttle to the extreme. But if we sit down and realy reflect on how different things are in the name of one religion, one government, one world together we can come up with probably thousands of rediculose things going on now that can easily be changed with little if no effort. I offten wonder why everything is so complicated to make changes, or if the changes are made to be difficult to avoid making the changes. Life is realy not that complicated once we look at it in perspective of how the Creator designed it for us. Why is it so hard to live life these days?

1 comment
  • Rev. Paul Cattin
    Rev. Paul Cattin though these thoughts are mostly true, and we as a society are consumers and are busy trying to avoid these issues and need to look seriously at these issues and pray for unity because we are all connected to the earth, and even more important being a soc...  more
    April 29, 2013 - 1 likes this