Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Priest Cliff Northup Jr

The Monestery has been infected.

  • It has come to the point where the Monastery has been infected with a virus, the virus of spammers. It seems the web designers of this site have failed to put appropriate filters in to keep out this virus. It is also apparent the Monestery has allowed the spammers to infiltrate and undermine what we of faith are striving to do, spread the words of the Creator, and God that we of faith belive and want to spread. The Monestery should restrict any new members from being Ordained unless they have researched, practiced and are real represenatives of the Creator, God, and other represenatives of each individuals religious beliefs and Higher Beings followed. We of real faith have been inendated by words of commercialization and are blocked from sharing our words and fellowship together as a ministry group. Although ALL are regarded as equal, and are worthy of redemption and forgiveness, those whom seek commercial gain from our site should be bannished from the site and blocked from adding their commercial garbell here. When I joined I enjoyed shareing with other Ministers and followers of all faiths, now I come on and all I see is a small percentage of teh real Ministers, and much much more commercial posts and blogs. Our site is in need of a raeping, and the discarding of the "bad seeds" to the wayside. Let the word be shared, taught, and learned for those of us that wish to. Blessed Be.