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Priest Cliff Northup Jr

2012, What is the ...

  • Has anyone realy given much thought or speculations on the 2012 phenomena? There has seemed to be so many different senarios hypothasized but there has been no conclusions drawn. When you think about things on a level headed fasion looking at logical assumptions instead of so many scientific possabilities.When we look at it from say an ancients point of view, where the "count down" originated, we see the ancients came up with a mathematical calculation in groups of twelve, sybolizeing the twelve month solar callendar devised by the seasons. Has any of the brain children of our scientific communities ever think that since the anchients devised the callendar on a twelve month ratio, there would be a problem with time as we know it, come the end of the count down of our ancient ancestors, there would not be the doomsday end of the world, but merely the end of an era of time sequentials of twelve. If our ancestors devised a time frame in a fifteen month calander, would there be so much propoganda out there similar to the Y2K pandamonium our scientific brain clusters concocted up. As for the [planetary allignments coincideing with this time frame, was it merely just that? A coincidents? Or did our ancestors have one of thier gods fortell them of catastrophic events from the allignment? The planatery allignments depicted in ancient cities does not show any doom or dispair. Granted, the alignment will cause some change, to what extent we are not sure of. But there will obviously be some magnetic shifts and effects from this. But do any of us have any true reason to believe there will be some cataclismic distruction of life as we know it? Of course not. But I am sure that in the brain cluster of our scinces, we will devise another calander to take place the one we have. If anything, all we will end up achieving is making caos out of a simple change. And if I am correct, another way the governments and rich of our kind, will devise a plan to get richer and governments to put us deeper in thier clutches. Not to mention what the warped forms of religions will concoct to brainwash and use their corupt way of desieving us to fit thier wishes instead of how the way our celestial creator(s) wanted things to be. So I leave you with this question, what way will this whole 2012 event effect us as christians, Wicca, Shamens, spiritual leaders, teachers and guides?

  • Jeff Austin
    Jeff Austin As a corollary to the end of the united states and an Obama dictatorship, all religious freedom will cease, making way for the geopolitical muslim caliphate.
    November 10, 2011
  • Mystic  Angel
    Mystic Angel It's hard to say at this point, but from what I see, for me, not at all, other then the normal changes,lol. I can see some global changes, anytime the planets align, and I'm clueless about science, but I would think that the magnetic pull and a slight til...  more
    November 13, 2011 - 1 likes this
  • Mystic  Angel
    Mystic Angel I think we are seeing the effects now and it will increase until it reaches it's peak and maybe a short time afterward until things stabalize and then whatever changes the tilt makes will be more permanent. So we ill change and adjust. But I don't think t...  more
    November 13, 2011 - 1 likes this
  •  Priest Cliff Northup Jr
    Priest Cliff Northup Jr I like your thoughts Mystic Angel. I was thinking of the same thing. The energies and power will be enormous. I would like to have my magickal tools ready to recieve these energies as the Lord and Lady feel fit to bestow on them. This will truely be a nig...  more
    November 14, 2011