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Rev Robert Fuller

Part 6 Stories of Jesus as a Child

  • Part 6 Stories of Jesus as a Child

               I have been asked several times if there are any stories about Christ as a young child. The answer is yes, they exist in Gnostic writing's, below is one such story, it is found in what has become known as "The Infancy Gospel of Thomas"  From the Apocryphal New Testament.

              The term Apocrypha is used with various meanings, including "hidden", "esoteric", "spurious", and "Christian texts that are not canonical".

              The word is originally Greek (ἀπόκρυφα) and means "those having been hidden away"   Anyway with that brief introduction here's the story.

              1 Now his father was a carpenter and made at that time ploughs and yokes. And there was required of him a bed by a certain rich man, that he should make it for him. And whereas one beam, that which is called the shifting one was too short and Joseph knew not what to do, the young child Jesus said to his father Joseph: Lay down the two pieces of wood and make them even at the end next unto thee (MSS. at the middle part). And Joseph did as the young child said unto him. And Jesus stood at the other end and took hold upon the shorter beam and stretched it and made it equal with the other. And his father Joseph saw it and marvelled: and he embraced the young child and kissed him, saying: Happy am I for that God hath given me this young child.

                There are many such stories written, as to their validity, this is between you and your creator.

                                                                                                     Rev Robert Fuller