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Rev Robert Fuller

Part 8 Stories of Jesus as a Child

  • Part 8 Stories of Jesus as a Child

             I have been asked several times if there are any stories about Christ as a young child. The answer is yes, they exist in Gnostic writing's, below is one such story, it is found in what has become known as "The Infancy Gospel of Thomas" From the Apocryphal New Testament.

             The term Apocrypha is used with various meanings, including "hidden", "esoteric", "spurious", and "Christian texts that are not canonical".

             The word is originally Greek (ἀπόκρυφα) and means "those having been hidden away" Anyway with that brief introduction here are two of the stories.

             1 And Joseph sent his son James to bind fuel and carry it into his house. And the young child Jesus also followed him. And as James was gathering of faggots (bundles of sticks), a viper bit the hand of James. 2 And as he was sore afflicted and ready to perish, Jesus came near and breathed upon the bite, and straightway the pain ceased, and the serpent burst, and forthwith James continued whole.

             1 And after these things, in the neighbourhood of Joseph, a little child fell sick and died, and his mother wept sore. And Jesus heard that there w as great mourning and trouble and he ran quickly and found the child dead: and he touched his breast and said: I say unto thee, Child, die not, but live and be with thy mother. And straightway it looked up and laughed. And he said to the woman: Take him up and give him milk, and remember me. 2 And the multitude that stood by saw it and marvelled, and said: Of a truth this young child is either a god or an angel of God; for every word of his is a perfect work. And Jesus departed thence, and was playing with other children.

              There are many such stories written, as to their validity, this is between you and your creator. 

                                                                                          Rev Robert Fuller