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Rev Robert Fuller

Mary (Magdalene)PT 5 Non Canonical books of the Bible

  • Mary (Magdalene)PT 5 Non Canonical books of the Bible
                I have been asked several times if there are any Christian books not contained in the New Testament. There are many such books that did not make it in the Bible Canon in 325 A.D.
                For the next few days we will be looking at excerpts from the "Gospel of Mary (Magdalene)" 

                 Levi answered and said to Peter, "Peter, you are always irate. Now I see that you are contending against the woman like the adversaries. But if the Savior made her worthy, who are you to reject her? Surely the Savior knew her very well [cf. Luke 10:38- 42]. For this reason he loved her more than us [cf. John 11:5]. And we should rather be ashamed and put on the Perfect Man, to form us [?] as he commanded us, and proclaim the gospel, without publishing a further commandment or a further law than the one which the Savior spoke." When Levi had said this, they began to go out in order to proclaim him and preach him.

                 This concludes our look at this book. Tomorrow we will start at looking at "The Gospel Of James" the brother of Jesus.

                There are many such stories written, as to their validity, this is between you and your creator.
                                                                                 Rev Robert Fuller