Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Thomas Cornfield

Praise The Lord

  • You know I wonder sometime when I say praise the lord..do I mean it? or should I say Praise man for doing what we all know the lord would want us to do. It amazes me sometimes how the The lord god almighty gave us 10 commandments and mankind has given us10's of thousands. of of the same laws. maybe man kind thinks they are equal to the lord or better, or maybe they just don't understand the KISS METHOD (Keep it simple stupid) to me the Lord only told us 2 things SHOW COMPACTION TO YOUR FELLOW MAN AND SURVIVE. 1. tHOU SHOULD HAVE NO OTHER GODS BEFORE ME... That doesn't say you can't have any after The Lord.  Ya strange thought.... may the lord walk with any who read this..it doesn't matter if you agree or not