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Rev. Dawn Reid, M.S., PhD Candidate

Causality & You

  • Meditative thought: I should understand the cause and effect of my thoughts and actions.


    Causality is a universal law, which Sir. Isaac Newton strongly influenced our understanding of, from the science of physics. Newton’s Third Law of Motion states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Basically, any force (energy) applied on an object has an equal force (energy) that is exerted in the opposite direction returning to the first object. From a spiritual and physical sense, this is the law of reaping and sowing; cause and effect. So, no matter what you do, there will always be a by-product of causality (good or bad/positive or negative). Therefore, we do not have to focus on the results, just the actions, because the consequences will naturally and automatically come to fruition.


    The problem that many people may have is that they expect the effects of their works to manifest immediately. That may not always be the case. It may take time to see the results of your actions. You may, or may never, see your results in the current lifecycle. You may not even understand why you are having a particular experience in the moment (positive or negative) as the effects may be relative to a cause you created so long ago.


    Newton's Second Law states that an applied force (cause) on an object equals the rate of change (how fast it will manifest) of its momentum (speed at which it returns) with time (results). Therefore, any action (cause) you make is applied energy towards others, the environment, and even yourself. It must return and will do so in its appropriate time, regardless if you see it or not. Therefore, if you sow happiness, you will reap happiness, if you sow sadness, you will reap sadness. Sow love, reap love, sow hate, reap hate. You get the picture. Remember, every harvest takes time to grow. No matter if you see it now, later or never, be sure you create positive causes for yourself and for others.


    Affirmation: I am responsible for my actions and the consequences of my actions. I am the law of causality.


    Rev. D.C. Reid

    Website: https://sites.google.com/site/revdeereid/

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