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Gary Chomiak

Rest Before Labor

  • A long time ago I read that rest is what one takes before labor.  That certainly doesn't fit the traditional Protestant work ethic.  Why would one rest before labor?  Wouldn't it make more sense to rest after labor?  Perhaps.  Here are thoughts I have regarding rest before labor.

    The Western Calendar begins every week on Sunday, 'The Day of Rest'.  The weekend is split up with Saturday at the end of the week and Sunday at the beginning of the next week.  Could it be that a weekend is a process to wind down from past labor and gear up for the next segment of labor?  I don't know about that.  If that was the case how come the calendar doesn't have the week end with Sunday and begin on Monday.  For years the Outlook Calendar started the week on Monday with Saturday and Sunday squeezed together at the end of the week - as if they were not as important as the other five days of the week.  I rejoiced when Palm came out with the electronic PDA.  Finally, Sunday began on the first day of the week and there was enough space to fill in appointments.  This was important for me while I held an ordained position in the church and needed to keep appointments with church members on Sundays.

    But I digress from my main point.  For me, resting before labor means that I take the time to reflect on the labor which lies ahead.  One twenty four hour cycle out of a 168 hour cycle, one seventh of a week is spent in preparation for the next five or six days of labor.  So rather than collapsing from exhaustion on Sunday, wandering around like a brain dead zombie after five or six days of labor, Sunday now has greater meaning for me, in that I mentally, physically and spiritually prepare for labor with an intentionality and strength to complete the work in the future with creativity, intelligence, imagination and compassion.

    I become my own creator like the Divine One, except as a human I need time to gather strength for the labor which lies ahead.  Labor takes on new meaning.  Work is not a drudgery where I toil long and hard so I can live it up on the weekend.  'Hump Day' and 'TGIF' lose their sarcastic tone for me as I occupy my position in the Universe as co-creator with the rest of humanity.