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Brother Micheal McBride



    With the controversy behind the upcoming Powell Funeral and ever accepting Westboro Baptist Church, it brings to light an honest question, is homosexuality a sin?  The Westboro Baptist church would like you to believe that homosexuality is a sin. God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. What they would also agree on is that the Almighty created heaven, earth, and all creatures residing on it which would include the homosexuals. Some would counter that with saying, God did not create homosexuals it is choice and an act of free will. Except the fact that a recent study has shown that homosexuality can be traced hereditary (Studies in the genetic determination of homosexuality. Lang, T. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease) which would prove that it is based on genetics not a choice. This also shows that true homosexuals are born that way and therefore have no choice in their sexual orientation. If the Almighty created man it is reasonable to state that the good Lord created homosexuals. It is also reasonable to state that if God created homosexuality then being a homosexual is not a sin. Unfortunately even with the backing of science homosexuality is still not accepted fully in this world. In the US only 9 of the 50 states even recognize gay marriage. The world is full of ignorant people and until the blessed light of the Divine illuminates their hearts homosexuals will continue to be persecuted. To all who struggle with this basic right know that there are those of us out there that support your cause and that I would be happy to marry you as long as you believe in God in some form, and that you are truly in love.

  • Dennis Massie likes this
  • Rev. David "Greg" Denton
    Rev. David "Greg" Denton As a gay man... and a man of God... I find the word "homo" offensive. With that out of the way, I do not believe that God makes mistakes, and as such I am just as much a child of God as my heterosexual and bisexual brothers, and sisters. I did not make th...  more
    February 9, 2012 - 2 like this
  • Mystic  Angel
    Mystic Angel I hear what you are saying and agree whole heartedly, however for WestBorough Baptist Church, I wouldn't take much stock in their beliefs. If you have ever seen their video " God Hates The World" the you will see they hate EVERYONE!
    February 9, 2012
  • Mark Long
    Mark Long If I may first weaken my position, I am neither a Christian nor gay. However, as I understand the bible tat the Westboro Baptist Church are so fond of thumpting, homosexuality is spoken against in Leviticus. Now, this is old testament and maps more or les...  more
    February 23, 2012 - 1 likes this
  • John Jett
    John Jett The folks at the Westboro Baptist church could care less about God and Gays and the USA. They are in it to make money. They file suit against everyone they can and goad people into doing things that brings about their law suits. The Westboro Baptist ch...  more
    September 13, 2012