Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Jay Olson

28 Degees

  • On these cold winter days, so short and harsh,    

    You may long for the springtime to come.

    Enjoy the cold day that you have my friend.

    With crispness that leaves your cheeks numb.

    Spring will come in its own good natured time.

    Or spring will not come at all.

    The time that we have is the time that we get.

    Be it summer, or winter, or fall.

    Don't wish too hard for the future.

    For the future will do as it pleases.

    Just take the day that is given to you,

    The sky may be cloudy the sky may be blue.

    Time is not ours to barter or trade,

    It's nothing to touch, or arrange.

    We can count it, bide it, or waste it away.

    We can spend it in work, or spend it at play.

    We can love it, or hate it, or pay it no mind.

    But it’s time, after time, after time.~Jay Olson