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Jay Olson

A Peek into Sunshine

  • Sitting in the sunshine; watching time fly past.

    Watching little birdies ply their trade.

    Today I see the flowers, whose buds are bursting fast.

    Relaxing; sipping coffee in the shade.


    The springs return uplifts me, its presence cheers my heart. 

    The winter past was hard and cold, the nights were long and dark.

    I'm feeling fine, my soul's refreshed, my mind is newly clear.

    It won't be long till blossoms bloom and summer will be here.


    The sky is blue as blue can be, the yellow sun is bright.

    Squirrels dash from tree to tree; this day has turned out right.

    The bees are scouting out the plants that soon will start to flower.

    The cheerful day I now enjoy is longer by one hour.


    The moon is passing overhead as full as it can be.

    Although they say there is no proof, it's still affecting me.

    In spring the days are glorious, they're warm, and full of fun.

    The nights are packed with energy, and blues are on the run.


    So listen closely to your heart, to those sounds inside your head.

    When things get bad, or beyond hope, or when you're filled with dread.

    Remember springtime melodies, those songs which nature sings.

    There's joy around the corner friend, life's filled with pleasant things.~Jay Olson