Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Jay Olson

Memories of Yesterday


    I woke with a start in the darkness of the morning.

    Rainwater pattered and fell on my roof.

    The sound was familiar yet faintly forgotten.

    T'was April; beginning with rain as its proof.


    Winter has fled, the Ides of March gone.

    It's spring once again in the lands all around.

    The frost in the ground has turned into water.

    The marvels and wonders of nature abound.


    The joke is on me as I walk in the sunlight.

    I laugh while I listen to wind in the trees.

    Birds all around me sing out in the morning.

    The flowers now yield sweet nectar to bees.


    Oh flowering magnolia, where are you this morning?

    Memories of yesterday are a thing of the past.

    The petals have fallen, your beauty has faded.

    Everything's fleeting and nothing will last.


    So cycles begin and they end where they’ve started.

    It is not up to us, we must swallow our pride.

    There’s no need to worry or fret of the outcome.

    Sit back and enjoy; life's one hell of a ride.~Jay Olson