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Jay Olson

The Mighty Pea



    Chopped onion and carrots, some celery too; crisping some bacon to boot.

    One pound of green split peas a dash of sea salt, I've added some black pepper too.

    It's boiling and bubbling on top of the stove, it steams as soups tend to do.

    Before long the soup will be ready to eat; a fine lunch for me and for you.


    "Let them eat cake." were the words of Marie.  Those words she eventually ate.

    If she would have suggested a bowl of hot soup perhaps she'd avoided her fate.

    The power of pea soup is not widely known, its magic is hidden quite well.

    But always remember these words I am saying; with soup, you never can tell.


    So whether you eat your soup in a bowl, or favor it out of a cup.

    It's a treat to remember; to break up your day, while lifting a low spirit up.

    The little green legume is magic indeed, of that I can certainly say.

    A hot bowl of pea soup will fill you with goodness, and last for the rest of the day.

    ~Jay Olson

1 comment
  • Rev. Yoda  . Aka.. JG
    Rev. Yoda . Aka.. JG My mother use to let the pea stay in wather over night and make it with Lard and molasses and it was slow cook overnight. There where contest among my aunts in family's gathering in the maple sugar wather collection and parties in Springs....... Good memories
    April 10, 2013 - 2 like this