Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Jay Olson

Where We Run

  • Living in frenzy; burning like a torch.
    Sitting back lazily; wondering why.
    Days become daze; coffee induced fevers.
    Living on the edge is always inviting.
    Dying in comfort is what we all hope for.
    Get in line while the choice remains.
    No time to waste if the deadline passes.
    The bus of existence waits for no man.
    Green fields blue skies, waterlines rising.
    Cupboards are barren in so many kitchens.
    The silos of Kings never remember the famine
    Pick it up to lay it down; metered and measured.
    No rules today; are the plan of the morning
    Afternoon soon drifts slowly away.
    Hear it my friend, it's as loud as the thunder;
    Thunder that drifts through vacuum of fear.
    Nothing makes sense in the dead of our night.
    Nothing can stop what will come with the daylight.
    Slow down when you can, take a break from the race.
    It won't kill you the way you may think.
    Living in frenzy; burning like a torch.
    Burning brightly, flaring fires of energy consume.
    I won't kill you the way you may think, just differently.~Jay Olson