Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Jay Olson

Metronomic Dreams

  • Notes of morning interrupted by storm.
    The clash of cymbal.
    Beating of the drum.
    Two songs the choice.
    The encore will come.
    Anger runs deep.
    Waters of resentment flowing swiftly.
    Songs of retribution echo.
    Chorus the thought to remember forever.
    Sing your own song.
    Listen to the music about.
    Sing your own song.
    Play the notes boldly and never doubt.
    Songs of anger must fade and be forgotten.
    Songs of vigilance will live.
    Remember your own song.
    Sing it loudly and clear.
    Melodies that know no fear.
    Snarling dogs will lose their bark.
    The floods of negativity recede.
    Sing your own song.
    Sing the verse we all need.
    Be the choir and sing out.
    We are the minstrels of time.
    Ours is the music for future ears.
    The time is here but not for long.
    Sing your own song.~Jay Olson