Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Jay Olson

House of Days

  • Gaze into the light of  sunshine.
    A house that holds the world we see.
    From inside, windows barred and bolted,
    Trapped in time and substance free.
    Memories all; are we for someone.
    Others peer inside our lives.
    Burned on paper, dipped in acid.
    Washed and hung in time to dry.
    we're all pictures taken daily .
    Marching onward like the tides.
    Peering in the small glass portal,
    Seeing where the time has flown.
    Waiting for the revelation.
    Watching all the wind has blown.
    Inside out and outside in, one becomes the other.
    Lines are blurred in evenings twilight.
    Things get sharper with the dawn.
    Soon my peering face will enter,
    Into the house where things are born.
    Such a place sits on the cliff.
    A cliff that overlooks the sea.
    The house of days is ever watching.
    What has been and what shall be.~Jay Olson