Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Jay Olson

Where all May Tread

  • While walking in the forest of earthly delight.
    My footprint was left, ‘twas left in plain sight.
    As deep as a river and left time after time.
    The footprint behind me was certainly mine.

    While looking before me I clearly could see.
    Other travelers' footprints that went before me.
    There were tracks that were dainty and tracks that were small.
    But nevertheless tracks are left by us all.

    While traveling steadfastly throughout my whole day.
    My footprints remained to point out the way.
    I will keep my eyes open and try not to fail.
    So others that follow may follow my trail.

    I've walked on this journey, day in and day out.
    Many a footprint's been left, of this there's no doubt.
    When I get to the finish, as I must surely do;
    I hope a good trail has been left here for you.
    ~Jay Olson