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Jay Olson

Crop Circles (Alien Tidbits)

  • You don't need a cannon to kill a deer if it's venison steak you crave. You don't have to use napalm to heat your camp or cave. It doesn't take a machine gun to bring chickens to their knees. We sure don't need a missile to harvest the apple trees. I wish those folks who build the guns and supply us with the bombs, Would take a look around to see all the harm that they have done. Instead of making things of death that injure, maim and kill; Why not manufacture goods that nurture and fulfill? How many times I've heard it said that we need to have a gun. To be protected in our home we must be armed, or kill someone. I have asked myself these questions--the answers I've not found. Why does the need to go to war with others stick around? I'll never find the answer to why mankind feels this way. The ones who make the tools of death will always have their say. There is something that I feel is true--it's simple and it's sweet. The seeds you plant in life will yield the final meal you eat.~Jay o.
  • Rev. Jesse Vance
    Rev. Jesse Vance I like this........ As a goal for the world. Unfortunatly, this is not the world we live in.... or the country..... or the state..... or city. It does no good for the sheep to outlaw mutton as long as the wolves disagree.
    Having said that, The best fi...  more
    April 7, 2015
  • Jay Olson
    Jay Olson To paraphrase the words of a sage of old..."the thousand mile journey begins with a single step." Peace soup is not made with a single pea but with a multitude. I stand by my thoughts and we must agree to disagree. To accept evil because it i...  more
    April 8, 2015 - 1 likes this
  • Rev. Jesse Vance
    Rev. Jesse Vance You are right to stand by your thoughts. We do not disagree. I long for the day you describe. I too want the world you describe in your blog. I do not accept evil, as I am sure yo do not. We should all cast the first thought to peace. I am also aware that...  more
    April 8, 2015 - 1 likes this