Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Jay Olson

At Summers End

  • While walking along the road of life there is much we will see and hear. Some sights will lift our spirits high and others will bring us a tear. It is easy to smile when the birds will sing and fragrances fill the air. It is what you do when the rain clouds come and you meet someone in despair. Do you turn your head to the side of the road when you pass a hungry soul? Do you tell yourself that others fail because they have dug their own hole? It takes but an instant to reach out a hand and offer it to someone in need. It will raise your spirit and feed you--this thing we call a good deed. Why not make your day complete by offering some help when you can. There are many who suffer through no fault of their own--slapped down by destinies hand. It takes but a second to offer aid to those who are hungry or cold. It cost a pittance to smile and say hello to those that are lonely and old. It is the price we pay, the toll of the road, no one travels for free. We can be miserly or we can open our hearts--which of the two will it be? Nobody knows the answer for sure--no one really can. If there is a key to happiness--it's compassion for our fellow man.~Jay O.