Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Jay Olson

Empty Seats and Open Fields

  • Without the promise heaven--without the threat of hell. There is no need to fill the church nor heed the tolling bell. There is no prize at the finish line--no medals or ribbons of blue. Why sit and listen to old ideas when there are better things we can do? The church was made by hands of man--a venture noble indeed. The stories passed from mouth to ear--a quest for peace to feed. As we well know with stories told that are passed along the line; The tale changes--it's not the same on each end of the line. So when the pews are empty and no one enters the vacant hall. I tell myself to worry not--outside is room for one and all. The world is full and beautiful--music fills the air. Beneath the skies of brilliant blue--I find fulfillment there. Don't get me wrong--I do not mean to slander churches of stone. They offer peace and comfort to many who feel alone. What I am saying is what I feel-- it works all right for me. We each and all must make their our choice of where we need to be,~Jay O.