Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Jay Olson

Counting Sheep While Watching Wolves

  • Last night I slept a fitful sleep--my mind was lost in grief. The peaceful dreams that tried to come--were stolen by a ravenous thief. Sleep will come to the pure at heart--it may sometimes take a short while. There is no rest for the wicked ones--a truth that makes honest souls smile. To those that stir up trouble and fear--who foment all sorts of hate. There is always a day of reckoning--the hour is getting late. To the souls who hate and fear each day--with somebody always to blame. Your anger will never feed your soul--it will only kindle your shame. For those who feel abandoned--for those left out in the rain, The hands of time will heal the wound and soothe your sorrow and pain. Tis a difficult task to be gracious--it is not easy to swallow your pride. Stand tall and never abandon hope--knowing goodness is there by your side Don't be like the ones you have struggled with--don't sink to a level so low. Never curse the ones who cause you grief--don't let your anger show. So take the road that is highest--it isn't so easily done. If you take the road that is highest, you will always walk in the sun.~Jay O.
1 comment
  • Auntie Moira
    Auntie Moira So true. Yet, take heart, for darkness comes to those on the high road as well. Eclipses, storms, shadows, winter. I do dream work and can attest that there is spiritual merit in disturbed sleep. I say this to offer you hope in the night. Have faith, we a...  more
    November 14, 2016