Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

peter thompson

good minister?

  • I have been told accounts of situtations that have lead to crimes, committed by parents pushed to the edge by corupt people (rumored private club) in a stste goverment system. The rest I do not know how to word. except to say: some is rumor, some is testomony, everything indiactes the existance of a evil group of people. I understand my legal duties of care, I am trying to be a good minister, harm nothing and do the right thing, sometimes it is just not easy...

  • Mystic  Angel
    Mystic Angel There is a difference between causing intentional harm and standing up for what is right.
    March 4, 2012
  • peter thompson
    peter thompson Standing up for what is right is a fine principal, but I have seen what happens to people who have tried. how do u stand up in a system that is self protecting....
    March 4, 2012
  • Veronica Buchanan
    Veronica Buchanan It is very hard! however, if it is harmful to others the only way I can live with myself is if I try. I may fail but I can accept the knowlege that I am one and if I stand up then others have a chance to gather their strength to join me. If I do nothing t...  more
    March 8, 2012