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Jews and Muslims should unite against Germany circumcision ban

  • Jews and Muslims should unite against Germany circumcision ban, a German court's ban on circumcising baby boys has provoked a rare show of unity between Jews, Muslims and Christians who see it as a threat to religious freedom, while doctors warn it could increase health risks by forcing the practice underground. this recent legal decision by a local German court in Cologne, which would effective...ly criminalize ritual circumcision for infant males as an exercise of religious freedom for minority religious communities in the country. Europe’s infamous history of anti-Semitism, which has long been a sociopolitical stain of xenophobia across European lands. journalist Andrew Sullivan recently wrote about the topic and asked, "[Can] parents permanently mutilate a child's genitals to pursue their own religious goals?", "At some point, one can only hope this barbarism disappears," writes Sullivan. "And it will have nothing to do with anti-Semitism or Islamophobia; it will be about defending the religious liberty of Jewish and Muslim male [babies] to choose their religion, and not have it permanently marked as scar tissue on their [genitals]." Sullivan would also consider parents who pierce the ears of their baby daughters to be committing "earlobe mutilation"?. I tink (REV. Andre G Denis d.d. ) we need to instill a new culture where Jewish people speak against Islamophobia and Muslim people speak against anti-Semitism across the globe
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