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Daniel Arendt

LBGT Are Not Affronts To Church Or State.

  • There are those in the world who say LBGT, or even other types of people, are being grafted on to either efforts to change faith deposits of assorted kinds, or are being grafted on to efforts to advance negative atheism, or both.

    These seem incredibly aristocratic notions, perhaps used by assorted parties to effect control of one philosophy (ies) or another(s), or perhaps to play one kind against another, and so on. Certainly like anything else pro- or con- anything at all, LBGT and any other demographic(s) may be found in any public forum including religious and atheistic poses. 

    But that does not mean LBGT or anyone else should be perceived through philosophical stereotypes, just because any person(s) of any status may enjoy more ability or financial power can paint anyone any way(s) they for their own purpose(s) seek.
    In re LBGT particularly, it robs such persons of dignity and ethical consideration to say they cannot marry because of religious reasons even if the highest secular Courts declare that lawfully they may; on the other side of the coin, so many jurisdictions within the USA alone are making ANY officiant in ANY marriage surplusage in ANY event, that many marriages between men and women can be made lawfully and religiously incontestable just by the man and woman signing and filing their own license under law where applicable…there is no rising tide of religious indignation alleging that somehow a marriage without God or His spokesperson present tears society apart, will or will not lead to procreation or mutual respect between such couples, or result in evil(s); further, what, if any, religion tells its members their marriage is annulled and ex post facto void before God when a male and female couple just don’t produce offspring of their own? Who says ovarian or uterine cancer, miscarriage, death of one or the other spouse, choice or financial circumstances, adoption instead, staying single, and so on, are such basis for failure to reproduce as to incur the wrath of God, be tossed out of the faith, or both?
    Clearly, in the broadest everyday sense, marriage for the purpose of procreation is not THE drive of most faiths. This does not appear to support relevant religious “fear” that non-procreation in LBGT couples would therefore create a heinous sin crying out to Heaven; like anyone else, it remains clear that LBGT are best defined by the larger societal impacts each soul makes, not by the flag, banner, body, clothes, skin, race, philosophy, or anything else existing apart from the soul.
    So much for opining on what “open source” philosophical salients appear to be. In my own perception, I simply would not want to go to my God at the end of my natural life and say something like: “I kept LBGT souls, or anyone else big shots or some manipulator said had cooties, from marrying, and further…as couples or individuals…I put myself between ANYONE AT ALL and Christ, or between anyone at all’s God as same has in peace revealed unto them, or both, since we all know You don’t want to hear from the wrong kind of souls Yourself in worship and peaceful faith living, right, God?”.
    To reiterate, I see no philosophically sound basis for opposing LBGT marriage in general, nor for pretending moral stereotyping(s) of them, nor for barring the way of those LBGT who desire it to keep on seeking the voice of the Absolute in whatever faith they may wish to practice and be edified by on their souls’ eternal journeys…just like all the rest of us are free to manifest any religious belief or unbelief without stigmas like “it’s their way or my way or atheism, populist-take-all-in-totalism in any case” attached by anyone.
    The goal of every peaceful faith is to bring people to the Absolute, not to me, any clergy, any king, any president, or secular licensee or politician, and to leave people free to decide which road in eternity they take selected through activity manifested as they invent, assent, or ignore in their quest for truth; again, nothing seems to make such quest unavailable to LBGT.