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Seer Ashlamaz

How to easily recognize reverse programming


    The most important thing we can do for ourselves today is delete the old programs. Within us are operating, actual programs from what we've heard, seen and entertained all of our lives. With the shift of the earth's polarity raising our vibrations of consciousness, we find ourselves, noticing idiocratic behavioral patterns, in us, that kept some of us in I what I have labeled as a "repetitive cycle of nothingness." And what I mean in that is this, we formerly had behavioral patterns that never led us anywhere, except back to where we started in some things that never benefited us or anyone else. We have all at some point or another recognized ourselves doing certain things, that were actually self defeating practicing. Take tithing for instance, nothing can be seen as self defeating as tithing. For many years, many of us held on to tithing, even if it meant getting ourselves into financial difficulties or troubles. Now of course I do believe that people should give to their Spiritual teacher's, to provide so there can be utilities and the needed things. But, when a person is so brainwashed that they put tithing before their other immediate responsibilities, it can have serious repercussions and consequences, especially making note of the fact that in TRUTH, we are the conscious manifestation of the one we call GOD. So, if GOD gave you money to pay some bills and get some things you need and help some others, and you are this GOD consciousness manifested on earth, wouldn't it be safer to recognize that some of those tithes were for something else, some of the time. But again, we were programmed in reverse to think we were separate from GOD, which is impossible in every way, because nothing can separate us from the Love of GOD, right? Then neither can helping someone or yourself, with what we were taught was for the system. 

    The easiest way to recognize a reverse program, is this, it will not add up to your higher consciousness. Take for instance: the prayer of the righteous availeth much. There's nothing wrong with that, because in TRUTH, when we speak out into the Universe, those vibration will not return to us void, cause remember, we are GOD's manifested thoughts expressed in the physical realm for a human experience. But there is a program within the same writings that we were also taught or programmed to believe, that makes this statement null and void, if we believe it, and that is this: your righteous is of filthy rags. Now, how could your righteousness prayers availeth much, if you also believe that your righteousness is of filthy rags? Danger will Robinson, these two statements do not compute, does not add up and therefore creates a virus within the Being, that believes both of these statements to be TRUTH. So, just like when a computer has a virus and a person types something in, they can see it for a moment, but when they later attempt to access the information, it cannot be found, because the virus has nullified it, wiped it out or corrupted the file, and we must remember that the brain is just an organic super computer. 
    So what happens, is when a person believes a TRUTH and it's opposite, when they need to access that information within themselves, it can't be found and they find themselves experiencing the same thing as a computer with a virus, they can't access that info, or let's say they can't get it to come back up, or shall I say manifest. In fact, let me say here that we were programmed in such negativity, that, until their paradigm shifts, most people can manifest disagreeable things with a much quicker manifestation rate than they can manifest agreeable things. 
    So we find some people trying to figure out why they can't manifest money, like some others, but this is because somewhere inside of them, they don't really believe they deserve money, or that GOD would have them to be wealthy; because their core energy belief is what- money is the root of all evil- when it actually says the LOVE of money is the root of all evil. well, how evil is it to pay for your child's braces or a parents medication or healthcare treatments. How evil is it to pay all your bills on time or to just be able to do the things you really need money to do on a daily basis. In fact, most people don't even recognize money for what it really is- energy, because they don't even recognize who they themselves are- energy- energy at a certain vibratory frequency. 
    So, always remind yourself, if it doen't add up we are supposed to question it with all of our Spiritual faculties, because that ego wants us to be fooled anyway. Remember GOD supplies all of our needs according to HIS riches and glory, so there really isn't a recession going on either, there are just many people who desire to continue to believe what the former programmers tell them. How could there really be a recession, if there's a GOD, becauseGOD doesn't even have that word in HIS vocabulary, so it can only manifest in the lives of people who believe it is actually happen. If we look at the vocabularies of some other countries, we weill find that there are some countries that don't even have negative words in their vocabularies and their economies have been just fine, since the beginning of their existence. So here's a brief list of words we need to remove from within ourselves: hurt, death, die, shortage, fail, recession, can't, lack, downsize, short, deficit, hate, and trust me you'll find more, once you decide to look inside of yourself for reverse programming, self defeating words. You were not created to fail at anything, but if you believe you can fail- the Universe must assist you, because it is created to do what you say and think. That's why GOD knows your thoughts from afar, because your thoughts are even charged with the creative force equivalent to- LET THERE BE LIGHT:)


1 comment
  • Seer Ashlamaz
    Seer Ashlamaz This blog does not pertain to any ULC ministers in any way, This is a copy of post from www.myspace.com/sonsofgodmanifeted and deals with former members who knew me personally.
    January 18, 2010