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Rev. Shelli Schwengler

Winds Four Quarters


    Wind’s Four Quarters
    CH:     Wind’s four quarters, air and fire
                Earth and water, hear my desire
                Grant my plea who stands alone-
                Maiden, Warrior, Mother and Crone
    Eastern wind blow clear, blow clean,
    Cleanse my body of it’s stain,
    Cleanse my mind of what I’ve seen
    Cleanse my honor of it’s stain.
    Maid whose love has never ceased,
    Bring me healing from the East.
    Southern wind blow hot, blow hard,
    Fan my courage to a flame,
    Southern wind be guide and guard,
    Add your bravery to my name.
    Let my will and yours be twinned,
    Warrior of the Southern wind.
    Western wind, blow stark, blow strong,
    Grant me arm and mind of steel
    On a road both hard and long.
    Mother hear me whither I kneel.
    Let no weakness on my quest
    Hinder me, wind of the West.
    Northern wind blow cruel, blow cold,
    Sheathe my aching heart in ice,
    Armor ‘round my soul enfold.
    Crone I need not call you twice.
    To my foes bring the cold of death!
    Chill me, North wind’s frozen breath.
  • Rev. Shelli Schwengler
    Rev. Shelli Schwengler Write Something...
    September 20, 2009
  • Rev. Shelli Schwengler
    Rev. Shelli Schwengler Write Something...
    September 20, 2009
  • Rev. Shelli Schwengler
    Rev. Shelli Schwengler I know, isn't the song just amazing? I got it from a series of books I just love I think they're my Mercedes Lackey. Don't hold me to that, I read them 14 years ago.
    September 20, 2009
  • Rev. Victoria Schultz
    Rev. Victoria Schultz It struck me as I read this how the humans in each of these regions North, South, East & West...fit the personalities of the winds which flow around them.
    September 19, 2009