Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Rev. Shelli Schwengler

Counsel to an Elder


    Counsel to an Elder
    If you don’t know who you are by now,
    Then choose who you desire to be.
    Listen much, speak little.
    When the teacher is ready to learn,
    The students will come to teach.
    You can affect the lives of others, but in the end,
    Their lives are their responsibility.
    Coyote has a standing invitation to your life,
    Issued by himself.
    You may live to be a hundred, but will have lived a hundred years,
    Or the same year a hundred times?
    Always have a rubber trout or it’s spiritual equivalent
    On the altar.
    We are by nature a young and frolicsome species.
    Never consider yourself to old to play.
    All that you have seen or sensed in every God/dess
    Is within you.
    Bless all about you, Blessed Be.