Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Rev. Sandra Smith


  • I fight over my thoughts on forgiveness.  How can I teach it if I can't forgive my own brother and his wife?  I did forgive them once before, but they continue to hurt me.  They once refused to offer their home for a few days with my dog after my furnace broke down in mid winter.  We slept with many blankets as we watched the ice build up on the windows.  At that time I wasn't a believer and praying was out of the question.  Than they refused to help me take care of my elderly father until I got ill and they had to step up and still today they say they do not care what I think of them for choosing not to help when I needed it.  Now they blame me for our father being put into a home.  I opt to have him stay in his own home with medical staff.  My brother and his wife were the ones who pushed him cause they didn't want him in their home.  Since I have control of Dads bank account, they are going around saying I am stealing from him.  I show my father his monthly statements every month and he trusts me cause nothing is being stolen.  Now they say they want nothing to do with me anymore, which is fine.  I can't keep going back to them and get shot down over and over....so when someone asks me about forgiveness, I am torn at answers...forgive them, but let them know what they have said or done will not be forgotten.  The pain will always be there.  Maybe it's time to let go of the people. Move on, pray, meditate, be around positive people....love who wish to be loved...take your bad thoughts, have them, think them, than let them go and bring positve thinking into your world and those that hurt you.....they will have to deal with their own negativity towards people....in the end... it's you alone and only you that can make yourself happy, of course with the help of our Lord.

    "smiling" guess I just answered my own delemma....thankyou for your shoulders

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