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  • OVER THE PAST SEVERAL MONTHS we have had intermittent episodes of our very young neighbors turning up the BASS on their stereo to a level that the WHOLE HOUSE shakes and rattles, not to mention our ear drums being bombarded with pain and developing headaches.  We tried asking them nicely several months ago to keep the bass down but to no avail.  They are a young couple, new to the area.  It appears that they are very accustomed to a neighborhood where this is the norm and acceptable.  While we live along a main street where traffic, including public buses rumbles by all hours of day or night, this is, as we see it an unnecessary burden.  Recently we have taken to pounding the floor to let them know how loud it has become (assuming that they will learn when they have to walk in our shoes and hear how annoying the sound is from above).  We are a little gun shy about saying anything to the landlord as the only exit we have goes right by their apartment door where they have keep a huge pit bull.  WE ASK FOR YOUR PRAYERS, IDEAS AND DISCERNMENT IN THIS MATTER.

    Many thanks,

    Mother Nanhi & Father Leslie