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  • We call him the ARACADE ANGEL.  In 1994 we were in a video arcade with our children about 10 minutes from my parents home closely monitoring our children's activities.  All of a sudden near the entrance to this mall video game arcade a very tall, bald person appeared in flowing robes.  I saw him out of the corner of my eye and my first gut reaction as he stared at my 8 and 3 year old daughters was, " What does he want?"  Then a split second later I realized that no one else seemed to see him and that he was too tall to be human and he was wearing a dress, a pale, long dress.  He looked me dead in the eye, then stared at the children (which made me nervous).  I moved closer to the children, then noticed a woman was with him carrying a white patent leather pocketbook and pale cotton dress whom I immediately recognized as my paternal grandmom who had died 18 years previously.  That really sent me for a loop.  I had dreams when I was younger, but this was happening in the middle of the day!  Then almost as soon as they appeared, they disappeared. 

     I looked to my left where my husband was standing against a game machine as if he was about to fall over, looking as stunned as I felt.  I nudged the children that it was definitely time to go and walked slowly toward hubby saying nothing.  There was an awkward silence as we made our way to the street level of the mall.  As we passed a pay phone I spoke and told hubby and children that I wanted to call my parents to see if they were home so we could stop in for a little.  There was no answer, which was a little unusual for a Sunday afternoon but we didn't think anything of it (this was in the days before cell phones mind you).  After returning home to the city we placed an evening call to the parents.  Still no answer.  Same the next day.  Hubby and I talked Sunday night for a few minutes about what we had seen in hushed tones, each afraid to say much about what we had seen, knowing it was real but not knowing what to make of it. 

     Finally 3 days later my stepmom called to let us know Dad had a mini-stroke Sunday afternoon about the time we had been at the arcade.  During a conversation 3 months later with Dad I decided to brooch the subject of the angel knowing that from time to time in my childhood he had shared about his similar visions.  Dad smiled.  " Yes " he stated very matter of factly, " I was there, at the light and then all of a sudden your mother (she died 20 years earlier) came running through the light, wagging her finger and hollering, " No Ted, go back...you have 2 grandchildren coming and they will need you ! "  In 1996 a grandson was born.  Four years later a granddaughter was born.  Mom was right. 

    When Dad finally left us, 10 years after his first stroke, he died on my birthday, January of 2004.  He has visited us ever since along with many of the angels and orbs that continue to follow us through the digital camera lens and dreams and visions with which we have been truly blessed.  

     God is Great.  God is Good.  Never doubt that the Angels and the Miracles are with us as guides to bring us home ! 

    ~ Respectfully submitted,

    Mother Nanhi Mary Morrow-Farrell,

     Child of the Creator of the Universe,

    Servant of the Lord Jesus Christ,

     Partner to Leslie Wilson Farrell.