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  • (Thank you to Rev. R. Shotts, Rev. M. Echols and Rev. M. Luljak whose conversations with me inspired this blog)

    The human brain scientifically can produce an infinite number of neurological connections and calculations. We are limited by lifespan but also by other factors. Factual knowledge is one thing. Apparently morality and spirituality are not as measureable as traditional IQ capacity but we are beginning to scratch the surface of understanding the brain's true capacity. Apparently the process of "forgiveness" (for self & others) or what I am prone to call the OOPS factor, frees the brain (and heart) to TRY, TRY, TRY again...thereby increasing permutations and possibilities for problem-solving and relationship development. Just a few thoughts, observations and wisdom from my years of studying these things.

    With the categorization of Multiple Intelligences beyond our traditional understanding of the IQ, we have increased our understanding of true human potential both on an individual and collective (societal) basis.  Here for consideration is an outline of those Multiple Intelligences that have thus far been identified and classified with a link for further information:

    Linguistic intelligence ("word smart")

    Logical-mathematical intelligence ("number/reasoning smart")

    Spatial intelligence ("picture smart")

    Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence ("body smart")

    Musical intelligence ("music smart")

    Interpersonal intelligence ("people smart")

    Intrapersonal intelligence ("self smart")

    Naturalist intelligence ("nature smart")

    By synthesizing these abilities in various combinations both in the individual and collective brain of society we assure our future for harmony by acknowledging and accessing ALL forms of intelligence available into a useable format.


    ~ Mom Nanhi 12-7-2010

  • The Rt. Rev. Mark Luljak
    The Rt. Rev. Mark Luljak Rev. Dean, I think my brain just exploded. That's some amazing stuff! One actually wonders if the constant destruction and reconstruction might be affected by quantum randomness, and thus, perhaps, cancer might creep in that way. On other levels, non-l...  more
    December 7, 2010
  • Rev. Dr. Dean And Rev. Barbara Rose
    Rev. Dr. Dean And Rev. Barbara Rose Actually the nonlocal abilities of consciousness in birds and bees has been established and can readily be seen. Maybe the next step for humans is the ability to use nonlocal consciousness (or the collective consciousness as C.G. Jung called it) to right ...  more
    December 8, 2010
  • <i>Deleted Member</i>
    Deleted Member Borg?
    December 8, 2010 - delete
  • Rev. Dr. Dean And Rev. Barbara Rose
    Rev. Dr. Dean And Rev. Barbara Rose I just happen to be reading "Consciousness Beyond Life" by Pim van Lommel, M.D., a cardiologist. He's quoting many authors in his fascinating book on the subject of consciousness (my favorite topic currently, as the new evidence from quantum physics, psy...  more
    December 8, 2010