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  • This morning's news carried the following sobering information. Is this a promise? Is this what we call security? It's going to take a whole lot of working together to make sure that Americans are able to honor their elders and the poor...

    IS THIS A SPIRITUAL MANDATE or are we entering a time of "every man for himself", selfishness and greed ???

    Here's an excerpt from one article on the subject:

    " Laid-off workers and aging baby boomers are flooding Social Security's disability program with benefit claims, pushing the financially strapped system toward the brink of insolvency.

    Applications are up nearly 50 percent over a decade ago as people with disabilities lose their jobs and can't find new ones in an economy that has shed nearly 7 million jobs.

    The stampede for benefits is adding to a growing backlog of applicants – many wait two years or more before their cases are resolved – and worsening the financial problems of a program that's been running in the red for years.

    New congressional estimates say the trust fund that supports Social Security disability will run out of money by 2017, leaving the program unable to pay full benefits, unless Congress acts. About two decades later, Social Security's much larger retirement fund is projected to run dry as well.

    Much of the focus in Washington has been on fixing Social Security's retirement system. Proposals range from raising the retirement age to means-testing benefits for wealthy retirees. But the disability system is in much worse shape and its problems defy easy solutions...

    for more info: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/08/21/social-security-disabilit-benefits-insolvency_n_932409.html?icid=maing-grid10%7Chtmlws-main-nb%7Cdl2%7Csec1_lnk3%7C88243

  • Rev. Dr. Dean And Rev. Barbara Rose
    Rev. Dr. Dean And Rev. Barbara Rose If one looks hard at this situation, the solution is simple: just keep all people from all income brackets paying into the system, but only pay out to those who really do not have financial security and stop paying out to rich people who can get by withou...  more
    August 22, 2011
  • <i>Deleted Member</i>
    Deleted Member : ) !!!
    August 22, 2011 - delete